We are waiting for you to debate on the most current topics!
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Note: It is the sole responsibility of the attendee to take care of her/his visa requirements. Attendees who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application procedure. Attendees should contact the nearest embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications. The organizer will not directly contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants. Please see www.mae.ro/en/node/2035 for details.
The payment will be made in one of the accounts of
Satul Inteligent ltd
Tax ID: 35119943
J15/ 711/ 13.10.2015
Address: Alunisu Village, 90 Inv. S. Stancescu street,
Cornatelu township, Dâmbovita county
Bank: ING Romania
EUR IBAN: RO86INGB0000999910532981
RON IBAN: RO30INGB0000999909974396
Swift code: INGBROBU
(The organizing company does not pay VAT)
We are present in the SEAP catalog – CPV code: “79950000-8 – Services for the organization of exhibitions, fairs and congresses”
This forum is organized by Asociatia Satelor Inteligente through Satul Inteligent ltd
Asociatia Satelor Inteligente (Smart Villages Association)
Cornatelu township, Dambovita county
E-mail: office@satulinteligent.ro
Tel: 0761.228.781