We hereby inform you about the processing of your personal data and the rights you have under the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) and the national legislation on the protection and security of personal data in force.
Purposes and legal basis of processing
Your personal data are processed in accordance with the GDPR, as controller, through the services/bureaux/ departments, in accordance with the specific applicable provisions, for the performance of the following activities:
public relations/petitioning/ formulation of points of view on requests from individuals, formulation of actions and representation in court, organisation/ moderation of events, fulfillment of legal control and investigation duties, resolution of complaints, registration and resolution of personal data security breach notifications, registration of data protection officer declaration forms, conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods/services.
Legal basis of data processing
Your personal data are processed for the fulfillment of legal obligations incumbent upon the controller Satul Inteligent s.r.l., J15 711 13.10.2015, CUI 35119943, address at Sat Alunisu, Inv. S. Stancescu nr.90, Comuna Cornatelu, Judetul Dambovita, according to article 6 par. 1 letter c) and e) of GDPR.
To the extent that special categories of personal data are required, Satul Inteligent s.r.l. will request your consent in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 para. (2) lit. (a) of the GDPR. The legislation that mainly governs the activities carried out are the following: Regulation 2016/679/EU, Directive 2016/680/EC, Directive 2002/58/EC, Law 102/2005, amended and supplemented, Law no. 190/2018, Law no. 506/2004, Law no. 544/2004, Government Ordinance no. 27/2002, Code of Civil Procedure.
Types of personal data we process
Satul Inteligent s.r.l.’s personal data protection and security policy is to collect only the personal data necessary for the purposes mentioned and to ask the data subjects to communicate to us only those personal data that are strictly necessary to fulfill these purposes.
The categories of personal data (classic or digital) subject to processing at the level of services/bureaux/departments within Satul Inteligent s.r.l. are the following:
- for public relations/petitioning/formulation of points of view on requests from individuals name, surname, signature, invoicing data, contact details – personal telephone number, email address, home/residence address, etc., exceptionally: series and CI/BI number, personal numerical code (CNP)
- for action forms and representation in court: surname, first name, signature, contact details – personal telephone number, email address, home/residence address, etc., serial number and CI/BI number, CNP
- for organisation/moderation of events: name, surname, position, profession, name of employer, invoicing dates, contact details – personal/business telephone number, email address, postal address
- for DPO declaration forms: name, surname, function, employer name, contact details – personal/business telephone number, email address, postal address IP address from where the form is filled in, type of browser used
- for the resolution of data breach notifications: name, surname, position, employer name, contact details – personal/business telephone number, email address, postal address
- for the resolution of complaints/submissions: name, surname, signature, contact details – personal telephone number, email address, home/residence address, etc., ID card/ID number and CNP
- for the conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods/services: name, surname, position, name of employer, invoicing data, contact details – personal/business telephone number, email address, postal address
We reserve the right to request other data necessary for the fulfillment of the tasks of the services/branches/departments within Satul Inteligent s.r.l., strictly in accordance with the legal provisions.
Categories of recipients of personal data
Your personal data are intended for use by the operator (Satul Inteligent s.r.l.) and are communicated to the following recipients, if applicable: other central and local institutions/authorities in order to redirect, according to the law, misdirected petitions; the courts in order to formulate actions and representation in court in the framework of the organization/operation of events of the operator in the framework of the investigation/control activity. The disclosure of data to third parties is made in accordance with the legal provisions for the categories of recipients specified above.
Storage period of personal data
Your personal data are stored for the period necessary to carry out all the steps taken to support the activities of the services/bureaux/ departments of Satul Inteligent s.r.l. public relations, petitions, formulation of points of view, organization, running of events, resolution of actions by the competent courts, fulfillment of legal control and investigation tasks, resolution of complaints, registration and resolution of notifications of personal data security breaches, as well as registration of data protection officer declaration forms, after which they will be archived according to the applicable legislation.
Your rights and how to exercise them
According to the applicable legal provisions, you have the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure of data, the right to restriction of processing, the right to data portability, the right to object and the automated individual decision-making process. To exercise your rights, please contact directly the data protection officer of Satul Inteligent s.r.l. at the following address: office@satulinteligent.ro or in writing to the office of Satul Inteligent s.r.l. J15/711/13.10.2015, C.I.F(C.U.I): 35119943, Address. S. Stancescu nr. 90, Comuna Cornatelu, Dambovita County. Special or consent-based data processing.
Where the processing is based on Article 6(1)(a) “the data subject has given his or her consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes” or on Article 9(2)(a) “the data subject has given his or her explicit consent to the processing of those personal data for one or more specific purposes”, unless Union or national law provides that the prohibition laid down in paragraph 1 cannot be lifted by the data subject’s consent” of the GDPR, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of your consent prior to its withdrawal. Thus, you can change or withdraw consent at any time, and we will act immediately accordingly, unless there is a legal reason or legitimate interest not to do so.
*Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)